Get Your Book Reviewed

Foreword Review

At Foreword Reviews, our mission is to discover and share the best upcoming independent and university press titles with our readership of more than 35,000 librarians and book professionals. We welcome you to submit your forthcoming books.

The magazine's editorial calendar lists the genres we’re planning to feature in each issue, but please note that we cover all genres in the general review section, each and every issue. In recognition of the magazine's prepublication focus, titles should be submitted for the issues that correspond to their months of publication only, regardless of the issue's listed features. With your book submission, don’t forget to include a detailed tip sheet with publication date, title, subtitle, title description, ISBN, author name and biography, publisher, price, page count, binding, and an indication of how you plan to distribute.

To provide our reviewers and editors ample time, we need to receive titles at least four and a half months in advance, so sending your titles sooner is always better—once you have completed manuscripts or advance reading copies (ARCs) ready for reviewers, send them our way. PDF files are preferred, and can be sent to our book review editor at

Hard copies may be sent to:
Book Review Editor
Foreword Reviews
12935 SW Bay Shore Dr., Suite 380
Traverse City, MI 49684
We look forward to seeing your books!

Clarion Review

Clarion Review
$579 per review

We receive hundreds of worthy titles seeking a review every month. Due to space limitations, we're only able to review 100 books per issue in Foreword Reviews, our bi-monthly magazine. If your book did not earn a magazine review, we also offer objective, 400-word reviews (including a star rating for deserving books) through Clarion Reviews, Foreword's fee-for-review service.

Clarion is the industry's first and most trusted fee-for-review service for indie and self-publishers. We use a team of more than one hundred qualified reviewers to help you connect your titles with booksellers, librarians, and readers. Our reviews critique all aspects of your book and will be returned to you in 4-6 weeks. With your permission, your review will be posted on our high traffic website and licensed to book wholesalers. Our partners, Ingram, Baker & Taylor, Cengage, and Bowker, among others, will spread the word to thousands of librarians and booksellers.

A Clarion Review provides three important elements to be used immediately in your marketing efforts:

The Money Quote

Placed on top of the review, this powerful testimonial boils down the entire piece into one sentence, telling readers instantly what distinguishes this book. Clarion Money Quotes use active, dynamic language that can be lifted easily for promotional purposes.

The First Paragraph

This well-written introduction tells readers, in a compact, conversational, positive way, what the book is about and what our reviewer thought of it. It could also stand alone, if necessary, as a one-paragraph mini-review.

The Star Rating

We'll give you 400-600 words detailing much more than a mere plot synopsis. Clarion Reviews give authors and readers a comprehensive critique of the writing, plot, pacing, characters, packaging, and other elements that will influence potential book buyers. The reader will not only know what the book is about, they will get a complete analysis from a professional writer who specializes in specific fields of study (book genres). Your book will be rated with one to five stars based on excellence.

How to Get Started

If you are ready to get your book reviewed, simply click here to order a Clarion Review. We'll need some basic information to get your account opened. You'll receive directions on how to send us your book—in any format—on your receipt once you've placed your order. The review fee is $579 per book. When the review has been completed, you'll get a notification (including the review) via email, and we'll wait for your instructions on whether to post it or keep it private.

Purchase a Clarion Review

Two Reviews for Your Book

We’ve partnered with BlueInk Review to offer you a special two-review package for the discounted price of just $799 (a savings of $299). BlueInk Review was founded by literary agent Patricia Moosbrugger and award-winning former book review editor of the Rocky Mountain News, Patti Thorn, and offers reviews written by professionals drawn largely from mainstream media outlets or editors who have worked at respected publishing houses. In addition to your Clarion Review, you’ll receive:

Fast-Track BlueInk Review

BlueInk Reviews are written by a professional book reviewer and are between 250-300 words in length and returned to you within 4-6 weeks. With your permission, BlueInk Review posts finished reviews to their website which is specifically designed to be user-friendly for readers, librarians, agents, and editors. Like Clarion Reviews, BlueInk Reviews are also distributed to important licensees some of which include Ingram’s iPage and Oasis databases (used by over 70,000 booksellers and librarians), the iDream Books website, and more. (regularly priced at $545)


Your reviews from Clarion and BlueInk Review must be for the same book, and that book must be self-published, as BlueInk Review reviews self-published titles exclusively. This cannot be combined with any other discounts. If you wish to purchase both reviews, you must do so as a separate transaction from any other purchase you wish to make.

Purchase Both Reviews