Gain Exposure at Trade Shows

You want your book to travel the world and find new audiences who love to discover a new story. It just so happens that's exactly what Foreword does. We're world travelers to the most important gatherings of publishers, booksellers, librarians, distributors, rights agents, authors, printers, media, and book enthusiasts.

Let us take your books around the world so you get to new audiences. Learn more about each trade show below.

Register Your Books Now

Bologna Children's Book Fair

The best foreign rights exposure for children's books publishers is the annual Bologna Children's Book Fair: nearly 25,000 international professional trade reps and agents from 75 countries scout for gems and do deals on a 20,000 square meter show floor. In Bolognese book-speak, children's books means picture books, and the show floors of the Bologna fiere are awash with some of the most astounding art and artists anywhere.


BolognaBookPlus (BBPlus), a brand extension of the acclaimed Bologna Children’s Book Fair (BCBF), is dedicated to general adult trade publishing. Foreword Reviews, a longtime exhibitor at the BCBF, is pleased to be providing space for independently published adult books at the 2025 BBPlus conference.

Bologna Children's Book Fair/BolognaBookPlus Pricing
After September 30, 2024 $275
After February 15th, 2025 $295

Under the best of circumstances, by exhibiting in Bologna, your top titles might generate rights interest with publishers from several countries (typically, a foreign rights deal includes a non-refundable advance and a royalty rate of 7–8%). So, with no out of pocket expense—except for the exhibit fee to have your title displayed at the Foreword booth—you stand to earn an unexpected windfall. Representatives from Foreword direct visiting agents and reps to the appropriate shelves (books are arranged by genre) and collect business cards and contact information when interest in a certain title is expressed. Foreword will then pass on the contact info to the corresponding publisher. Your title will also be included in Foreword’s Indie Press Collective trade show catalog and receive a listing on DropCap Marketplace, the premier platform for indie authors to showcase their books to the international market. To read about last year’s event, visit this blog post.

We welcome the opportunity to represent you in one of several ways: showcase each of your titles individually or organize a larger space through our turnkey service, CBUSA (includes reserving display panels or a private booth, bookshelves, tables/chairs, carpet, shipping, registration, and catalog listing).

How to Register

Fee per title is $275 before Feb 15, $295 after. Reserve shelf space for five titles and save $25 per title. Three copies of your sell sheet (one page long) must be included with your book. You can supply your own or use our service. For publishers interested in displaying more than ten titles at one show we also offer customized signage and meeting space for an additional fee. Please contact Stacy Price ( or Josie Robinson ( for more information.

Books can be registered for a trade show right here. Your receipt will contain details about how to get your book to us. If you have any questions, check our FAQ or email us at

One Page Sell Sheets (also known as Tip Sheets)

After years of receiving review submissions from thousands of publishers, we can often tell what book will be worth reviewing by the peripheral materials provided by the author/publisher. A less-than-professional presentation makes it very easy for a review editor or anyone in the media to quickly move on to another submission. In addition, foreign rights agents won't take a potential project seriously unless an articulate sales piece arrives via email prior to previewing your book.

Our award-winning designer has created three templates based on your title's primary sales handle: subject matter, author expertise, art/photography, positive reviews, etc. We have a step-by-step process that will assist you in producing a professional, interactive sales sheet in no time. The price is $199. See examples.

Purchase a Sell Sheet